Wednesday 25 November 2009

Magazine Front Cover

As part of my Advanced Portfolio, I will need to produce my own magazine front cover which will help in attracting an audience for the film I will also be producing. Having limited experience in the use of Photoshop, every bit of practice I obtain will help my creativity and allow for a better quality product. This attempt will demonstrate the reasons for colour schemes, font types, size of the text and the layering used, amongst other things.

Colour is an important factor when producing a magazine, as the connotation associated with a particular colour can either reinforce or even subvert the other areas of your magazine production such as the content described by the text. I have used a dark blue to suggest a calm atmosphere within the magazine. The background blue, however, is also used to reinforce the brighter blue which is worn by the model. I have decided that although blue may be seen as a “calm” colour, the contrast can create a sense of interpellation which will help to attract a potential reader. “Marie Claire” conventionally uses mild colours as a way of attracting their target audience. I have been using “Marie Claire” as a way of comparing particular techniques used to speak out to a target audience, which their magazine aims for.

Another important aspect which determines how an audience will be attracted is the way a magazine such as “Marie Claire” uses the rule of thirds to place the model on the front cover. I have placed my model in the last third of the framing as I believe this gives the impression that the model is looking out of the magazine as well as the fact that she is facing towards the left side of the magazine which again makes it look as though she is facing the reader. This works at a personal level as the model may work as an interpellation device for the reader. The way the model is posing may also reinforce this personal level of conversation. Anne Cronin suggests that compulsive individuality is another technique used to entice an audience. The model on my front cover reinforces the idea that if you buy this issue, you may "become" that model.

The title itself, and the font associated with the magazine is another way in which an audience can be attracted. The title has its own connotation, and these tend to be positive which could lead to the magazine being bought, even if the reader is not a regular buyer. Depending on the layering, the masthead may be underneath or above the model, depending on the issue. However, as the font type is associated with the magazine, the reader may already recognise that the magazine is “Marie Claire”. Whether the masthead is above or below the model also helps to create a sense of depth. I have placed the model beneath the title for the reason just mentioned - that it creates a deeper sense of depth. This may also help to “lure” the reader in the magazine and is again reinforced by the pose created by the model.

As well as the main title, there are also sub texts used which help to give more information about the articles within the magazine. The lexis used can be important as key words may lead to the reader purchasing the magazine. The topics on discussion must also relate to the other areas of the magazine such as the model and the way she poses. I used the topic of travel to attract an audience. This may be associated with blue which in turn connotes calmness and this is what a person hopes to achieve on a holiday. The other topic can be linked to holiday as clothing is an important issue when travelling abroad, so this might further attract the potential reader.

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