On the diegetic side of things, I have followed the codes and conventions from the magazine Empire, as mentioned in a previous blog update. However, I have actually begun to put these codes into my idea, and can be seen via the centralised image and similar colours to represent the characters power within the framing of the magazine. The title of the magazine has also been reproduced to show authenticity and create a further sense of attraction to the reader, who will associate themselves with the font.

I have also begun the critical evaluation for the whole Advanced Portfolio, which has meant that I have had to refer back to previous blogs and the progress I have made throughout the year, particularly with programmes such as Photoshop, where i have built up an extensive knowledge. It also means that I can analyse what has gone well for me and what hasnt over the past few months, while designing and creating this Advanced Portfolio. This will mean that when creating a similar product in the future, it will aid my understanding and knowledge and which audiences to target with which products.

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